An introduction to me and this blog.

Jun 1, 2024

Welcome to this illustrious blog! I’m your host, Mihail Marian, and in this first post I’m going to do a quick intro about myself and this blog.

I’m a software engineer currently living in the most boring place in the world. As you probably noticed, I live to serve the feline overlords.

I’m a generalist in the enterprise web development space. The tech stack I work with on a day-to-day basis consists of React, Go, Terraform, GitHub Actions, and AWS. When it comes to side projects, my weapons of choice are Astro, Python (for data-heavy backends), Go (for logic-heavy backends), CapRover with Hetzner when I need a server, and when I don’t it’s Cloudflare Pages’ free plan FTW.

So what am I aiming to achieve with this blog? Well, I want to document my experience of learning about active investing. I believe this will help me learn the concepts better. And I’m hoping it will also act as edutainment for any people who want to better understand the fascinating world of financial markets.

There isn’t a focus on a specific investment strategy or asset class at the moment. Just that it has to involve software and data. I’m not sure about the frequency either. Want to play it by ear and see where this journey takes me.

The best place to reach out to me for any questions is LinkedIn. I may start a newsletter if it turns out that people like my memoirs.

Well, that’s about it! Thanks for reading and see you somewhere in the cyberspace.

Disclaimer: Whatever I'm writing here isn't financial advice.

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